parts of the coach house we used to own in old windsor dated back to the 1600s


by peta
what is a blog?
old windsor was the site of a saxon palace in the 9th century

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com



media gallery / 2003 / windsor

after spending a lovely afternoon in legoland then staying with sara and family for the night [thank you sara], we got to see them, liz, bryn, eve and long lost nct friend jane at the 'little soldiers' playgroup in windsor which liz and jane now run.

liz and i were in hospital having our babies together and it was bryn's birthday the day after we left windsor [may 7th] - the day before aly's. for aly's birthday matthew bought her a book called 'hairy mcclary' which is apparently matthew's favourite book and now one of the aly's favourite books. it's about a [scotty?] dog and aly now goes around trying to spot 'hairy mcclarys'.

aly enjoying song time at toy soldiers
aly enjoying song time at toy soldiers
aly enjoying song time at toy soldiers