animal cracker boxes are designed with a string handle because when they were introduced in 1902 the manufacturers thought they could be hung from christmas trees as decorations


by peta
what is a blog?
in 1949 UNICEF produced the first charity christmas card. the picture shown on the card was painted by a seven year old girl

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


it's christmas

media gallery / 2003 / it's christmas

toby doing his christmas shopping
toby making his christmas wish list with the help of the toys'r'us catalogue. he spent almost an hour in the same spot!

christmas card photo shoot

aly testing out both hers and toby's hats, scarves and gloves sent from grammy and grandad. the christmas tree
the christmas tree filled with generations of homemade decorations

aly and basil hanging out together
aly and basil hanging out together

aly by toby
aly by toby - toby decided he would take on the role of chief photographer briefly