richmond family place was established in 1979 with the purpose of offering support to families in the richmond community


by peta
what is a blog?
rfp's earliest supporters included jewish women international and the richmond jaycees

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


richmond family place 25th anniversary

media gallery / 2004 / richmond family place 25th anniversary

penny carnival day at richmond family place - the second of 3 days to celebrate the family place's 25th anniversary. the children each had a bag of pennies and had to put the right number in each box to do each activity. they loved the whole thing [they're both big money fans!]

aly's favourite was having her hair sprayed different colours and toby's was hockey and playing in the bubbles [more accurately - spraying bubbles across everyone within range!].

bubble fun

bubble fun
bubble fun

crazy hair

crazy hair

crazy hair
crazy hair!

aly and fin

aly playing hockey

toby playing hockey

toby playing hockey
playing with fin and the rest of the canucks gang