the '88 calgary games featured an indoor speed skating oval and sporadic chinook winds that sent temperatures into the unwintry 70s


by peta
what is a blog?
the '88 games was the last winter confrontation of communist superpowers [USSR, East Germany, etc.]

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com



media gallery / 2004 / calgary

calgary skyline
the calgary skyline

calgary tower
the calgary tower

the saddledome from the tower


strange horse

car trap warning
car trap warning sign

we got around calgary on the c-trains which are all free downtown

in the plus 15 system [above ground tunnels across the city]

plus 15

we were all fascinated by this demolition site!

car tv
toby loved watching the cars from the tunnels
aly called it 'car tv'!

heritage park lake
heritage park lake

mckenzie village
mckenzie village

the cousins
the cousins at the roys' house