go-karting started in the mid 1950's and was originally considered to be a fad


by peta
what is a blog?
powered by a stock 5 horsepower briggs and stratton engine, go-karts can reach 35-80 mph

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


kart world

media gallery / 2004 / kart world

we went to a wonderful go-cart track on the way back from calgary. toby did a double cart on the big track with sascha which he loves and aly tootled around the small track by herself in a kid cart. when toby and sascha joined us, the girl [who was obviously enjoying her smoke break and catching up on her cellphone messages while it was quiet] started up a cart for toby. his steering was not quite as professional as aly's but he got the hang of it and i think there was only one major collision despite it looking like it would result in disaster every time they were near each other!



waiting to go
waiting to go

sascha and toby


would aly overtake again?