the word 'igloo' comes from the inuit 'iglu', meaning 'house'


by peta
what is a blog?
in spring, the melting dome of an igloo is replaced with a covering of animal skins to form a between-season dwelling called a 'qarmaq'

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


snow at last!

media gallery / 2004 / snow at last!

at last we got to play in the snow.. after missing it in richmond, on new years day in victoria, the snow finally began to fall [and fall and fall..]

aly the snow angel
aly the snow angel

toby, mommy and aly
toby, mommy and aly

a very snowy aly
a very snowy aly

toby in the snow
toby in the snow

mommy making snow angels
daft mommy making snow angels

toby and mommy trying to sled [unsuccessfully] down the hill on a pizza box!

view from the house
view from the house

the front yard
the front yard

snow cars!
we had to dig the 3 cars out of the driveway [our jeep did perform admirably though :-) - it was just a shame none of us had thought to move it to the top of the hill!]

nikki and tonya
tonya, dani and nikki
dani and tonya walked nikki down to the barn where she was to spend the night due to overcrowding issues. after getting back, dani and tonya forgot to bring their boots in. half an hour later they had filled up:

snow boots

we arrived back to richmond just in time for even more snow..
view from our house
view from our house. this was before the fresh snow began to fall

coldy the snowman
aly's snowman and his friend the snow cat she named him 'coldy'. she was VERY upset when he melted. 'i wish he was frosty mommy'