pele's real name is edson arantes do nascimento


by peta
what is a blog?
before soccer referees started using whistles in 1878, they used to rely on waving a handkerchief

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com



media gallery / 2004 / soccer

hamilton community centre was offering free soccer lessons for 4-6 year olds so i signed aly up. her enthusiasm is a little mixed - she'll pay attention for about 10 minutes, and then she'll wonder off hunting butterflies or something!

video of the soccer 'final' [1,863KB]

the post-final pizza party!
the post-final pizza party!


the team
the team [aly's was missing for this session]

pep talk
the pep talk

aly in action
aly in action

toby watching wishfully
toby watching wishfully - thinking how it's wasted on aly really.

match analysis
match analysis ;-)

the big race
the big race