the children's nursery rhyme, "sing a song of sixpence," was used by members of a pirate ship as a coded message


by peta
what is a blog?
pirates rarely commanded superior vessels, in fact, most often pirates commanded small lightly armored but highly maneuverable ships

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


aly's 5th birthday

media gallery / 2005 / aly's 5th birthday

according to aly, her pirate birthday was the best birthday party ever. the children were all extremely loud but well behaved, the weather was even better behaved [a beautiful sunny day sandwiched between 2 rainy days] which meant they could all have a run around, treasure hunt and bubble blowing at our playground. the arts teacher [from richmond arts centre] came prepared with great pirate crafts and was quick to move things along whenever the children started to get a bit restless. the parents were the best behaved of all: about half stayed and the ones who did were really good at cleaning up :-) [especially nikki's mom who managed to squeeze it in before giving birth that evening!]

but mommy this is what the real pirates do

craft time
craft time

craft time

craft time
the pirates get to work



some quick downtime before the next craft!

treasure hunt
treasure hunt time


giant bubbles



big cake

all that chaos and kids were a bit much for toby! [i have a feeling that his birthday will be a much quieter affair!]