there are 2 types of ticks, hard and soft. hard ticks have only 1 nymphal stage while soft ticks have more than 1. some have up to eight


by peta
what is a blog?
earwigs get their name from an old belief that they would enter the ears of sleeping people and bore into the brain

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


bug lab

media gallery / 2005 / bug lab

school field trip to the bug lab to become junior entomologists!

the bug lab

aly and the millipede
aly and the millipede

toby and the leaf insect
toby and the leaf insect

a class of entomologists

toby studying specimens
toby studying specimens


aly the entomologist
aly the entomologist

toby the entomologist
toby the entomologist

miss wendy
miss wendy driving the bus back to school