sooke, incorporated on december 7, 1999, is the southern-most municipality in the province of BC


by peta
what is a blog?
french beach in sooke faces the juan de fuca strait

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


pricipal's recognition ceremony and multicultural evening

media gallery / 2006 / principal's recognition ceremony and multicultural evening

at aly's school they have a principal's recognition ceremony once a month for a certain proportion of the kids at the school [everyone gets a turn]. their families are invited and the students are recognised for all things non-academic - being a good friend, always trying their hardest etc. i believe aly was recognised for being a risk-taker. apparently that's to do with her being willing to put her hands up to wildly speculate about what the answer to a question might be and taking some leaps of faith with her spelling!

in all seriousness, she seems to be doing great at kindergarten. i recently gave permission for her to be in a playgroup where they match up several students needing support with socialisation with kids who are modelers [which is what aly is]. she's a really good kid and a good big sister.

at the school multicultural evening:


multicultural festival