the brownrigg children were raised in liverpool on the border of everton and anfield and the majority stayed there for the rest of their lives


by peta
what is a blog?
joe brownrigg's daughter looked like me (peta sheldrake)

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


brownrigg children

media gallery / heritage / brownrigg children

brownrigg children

[top left] William
[top centre] Doris. Doris married Denny McNamara. Denny had 2 children from a previous marriage (Denny and Paul). They had one child together (John) and live in Warrington, Cheshire. Doris died in 1995.
[top right]Albert. Albert married Lillian Freeland
[bottom left] Eva's birth certificate
[bottom centre] Eva (Eve)
[bottom right] Albert, Joseph (Joe) and John. John married Lilian and 6 children (Trevor, Alan, Malcolm, Paul Edward, John William). They lived in Winsford and John died September 21 1984.

The Brownrigg children (eldest first):

  • Williams
  • Albert
  • Doris
  • Joseph
  • Eva
  • John

brownrigg adults

The Brownrigg's were brought up on the border of Everton and Anfield - at 36 Aughton Street in Liverpool. The majority stayed throughout their adult lives.

[top left] John Brownrigg
[top right] Dennis & Doris McNamara's wedding
[bottom] Joseph (Joe Brownrigg)
a) [left] As a young man
b) [right] With his wife and first child.

Updates received by email:

Hi Peta, I Live in Macclesfield Cheshire About 50 Miles from Everton in Liverpool, Bismark Street Liverpool 5. were we lived up to 1963. My Mother Aged 81 still Lives in Winsford Cheshire my Father John Sadly Passed Away 21 Septmber 1984 after a short illness ( the date in your Blog is a few years Out for dads death ) [correction made above]

I have a further 4 Brothers and 1 Sister.
Trevor Borne 1949 Liverpool
Doris borne 1954 Liverpool
Malcolm borne 1953 Liverpool
Paul Edward borne 1958 Liverpool
John William borne 1964 Winsford Cheshire.
All are well married with children. Plus Grandchildren

I will put some photos togther and send them over the next few days

BFN will keep in touch Alan xxx

Hi Peta nice blog, I can help you fill in some of the gaps in the family History. Please feel free to contact me if you want My Name is Alan born April 1947 to John & Lilian Brownrigg, My Grandparents are Listed in your Blog as William And Bella Brownrigg.

Alan J Brownrigg

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