i began scrapbooking in 2001


by peta
what is a blog?
i can ride a unicycle!

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com



media gallery / heritage / introduction


Family resemblance photo pairings:
[top left] George Purseglove - great grandfather to Daniel Jenner
[bottom left] Alan Milligan - brother to Ronald Milligan [all of the Milligan brothers looked very alike]
[top right] Kellie Prindle-Sheldrake - aunt to Alysha Williams
[bottom right] Diane Jenner - mother to Benjamin Jenner

i'm a very picky historian. old kings and queens never held my interest, but i've always loved old family photographs - they've always seemed to be a magical insight into the past. of the photographs in this album, my personal favourites include a photo of george purseglove - my great grandfather who bears a striking resemblance to my cousin daniel jenner, photos and stories of my grandmother winning swimming galas in her youth, a photo of my grandfather playing the banjo in WWII and a photo of my mother at 8months of age looking like a newborn because she had miraculously survived birth at home at only 24 weeks.

i've made this album for me, and for everyone who follows me so the memories of everyone in here will be preserved. hopefully it will be an endlessly expanding record of our families.

i'm aware of how incredibly lucky i've been to have all of these wonderful photographs, documents and resources available to me on both sides of my family. i think my granddad (george sheldrake) had kept every document he'd ever received! considering she's not a blood relative, aunty lin (with the help of uncle ian and aunty vi) was able to names to a huge number of the sheldrake photos. nanny (agnes milligan nee purseglove) and alan milligan (the last surviving milligan brother) were able to provide me with great information and documents for the milligan side of the family. the first half of the album is dedicated to sheldrakes, the second to milligans (my father and mother's families, respectively). both sections are shown in chronological order where possible.

thank you to everyone who helped, including the many not named above and those yet to contribute.

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