children grow faster in the springtime than any other season during the year
more useless facts peta
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on uranus, winter and summer seasons last the equivalent of 21 earth years
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peta at petawilliams dot com


september, 2006

september 23

school still seems to be going well and everything appears to be settling down or maybe it's just that i'm starting to remember what days are gym days, sparks [girl guides] days, hockey days etc. etc.

aly got put in a class with her 2 best friends and a teacher who she really likes so she's happy. i'm still a little freaked out by the way she dashes off to her classroom as soon as we arrive at school and the fact she walks herself over to afterschool care at the community centre at the end of the school day. what happened to the handholding?

toby also seems to be loving it. we went to a meet the teacher night this week and it was really strange to see toby saying hi to all these people [kids and teachers] we didn't know. we are used to aly having her own life, but not toby until now.

i had a letter earlier in the week addressed to 'toby's mom' which said something along the lines of 'i'm sorry i hurt toby. he is my friend and it is not good to hurt your friends'. fortunately toby didn't seem to mind too much.

monday morning we're off on our cruise which means while i'm typing, sascha is miraculously ironing some shirts for the formal evenings! he's blocking the tv quite annoyingly, but since i've slipped some of my stuff in to be ironed i've decided not to mention it :-)

thanks in advance to the babysitters for the week: dani, colin and connie. a vacation without the kids. it's going to be SO WEIRD. aly is just annoyed she doesn't get to sleep over at her friend's house for more than one night. she's demanding to know why we can't stay an extra night on the boat.

september 12

first day at school
toby's first day at school

i'm starting to get complaints so i thought i'd better do some updating. it's been a busy and strange 2 weeks. sascha's mom, left arrowhelga, died in the early hours of last wednesday. sascha had gone over on the last ferry on sunday night and all the siblings arrived the next day so everyone was with her. she had been in a nursing home for a couple of years, but no matter how expected it is, it's always going to be sad. aly and toby did ok with the news. aly cried and asked a lot of questions. toby is bottling his feelings up i'm sure. he's not good at dealing with his emotions. hopefully he'll be ok.

wednesday was also toby's birthday so we didn't tell the children until sascha had got back on thursday evening. wednesday was a bit of a struggle for me to make sure he had a good day. in the end we went swimming with our friends connie, jenna and justin, then went to mcdonalds for dinner, followed by presents at home.

toby's birthday waffle breakfast!

in the midst of all this we have been trying to remortgage the house [we pulled together a one-year mortgage last year in a bit of a hurry with a view to getting a good deal this year] and i was in a week of professional development which was a little difficult to focus on at time, but seems to have refreshed me for this week.

sascha's brother, pete did a one-day stopover here yesterday on his way back to japan. it was nice to see him. the whole family seems to be coping very well.

last weekend was pretty busy, it was toby's mini golf party on saturday [the only day of rain for about 6 weeks - probably just as well - not all the kids were that well up on golf etiquette!] and then our team from work did our sponsored walk in stanley park on sunday. this saturday, we're doing a big BBQ/yard sale fundraiser at work so i'll be looking for a rest on sunday. toby has hockey on saturday and a birthday party on sunday - so we'll see how it goes!

september 1

happy september. well, the 4-day cruise to LA is all booked for the end of september and the babysitters lined up [thank you colin, dani and connie]. who knows it might even happen [we've had a few false starts with getting away together].

here's aly the toothless wonder at last weekend's horse show:


the kids will be back at school in just a few days. it'll be a bit of a chaotic week. we have a professional development week at work with lots of trips out to other family resource programs and the first week of school is all a bit sporadic. on the first day aly goes for an hour in the morning, toby goes for half an hour in the afternoon, then for the next 2 days toby only goes for an hour. it's also toby's birthday on wednesday so i'm going to try to pick him up from daycare early. next saturday will be toby's birthday party, sunday i'm doing my left arrowsponsored walk, then the following weekend there's a big fundraiser at work. i'll be needing that cruise!

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