so it's cranbery harvest time of year again. i don't think the novelty will ever wear off. just like the novelty of being surrounded by snowy mountains here hasn't worn off, and the palm trees and golden mountains in california didn't wear off. one day you're driving to work through fields, the next you're driving alongside lakes full of floating red blobs. beautiful.
so aly got switched to a new class/new teacher this week. the school district in their infinite wisdom gave the school an additional teacher on friday afternoon of the second week of school. now, i'm all for lowering class sizes, but she'd only been in her new class for one week [the first week of school all students are in their classes from the previous year]. anyway, aly being aly was very sunny side up about the whole thing. she's very excited about being with some old friends, being in the classroom next to toby and being able to do joint projects with toby's class [i pity the teachers - for example, their latest game is to wear their backpacks on their chests and see who can bounce the other to the floor first].
in order to try and wean me off being a pirate, sascha bought me a webkinz last weekend. that way, i don't have to play on the children's webkinz profiles! it's a tamagotchi type thing - but you buy a cuddly toy which turns into a virtual toy online when you type in the code. there are daily games/prizes, houses, gardening to do, jobs etc. unfortunately, i'm not sure if it's more or less of a daily commitment than puzzle pirates!
finally, congratulations to my very brave mom who went gliding at the weekend to add to her collection of 60 news things for her 60th year [number 52 i believe - although some of the more iffy entries such as 'bound a document for the first time' may have to be replaced before the year is out!]. next on her list is geocaching [a gps treasure hunting type thing] which i've asked her to figure out so she can teach me next time she's over here.
september 9
so hockey season is back in full spring. with toby now being 6, obviously he needs to go to 3 sessions per week - one at 8.15am on saturday to sascha's horror. [they have taken pity on the young ones and not booked them into the 7am slot yet]. canadians and their hockey really are something to behold. if you're not serious by the time you're 5 or 6, then you may as well forget it. if you're not taking it seriously enough [ie. don't want to commit the $300 and 3 sessions per week] then it's floor hockey for you. i stand by bemused. i'm not sure which is more astounding - what you have to go through to play hockey when you're 6 in canada or the fact that sascha is getting up at 7am on a saturday morning every week!
anyhoo, here is the aforementioned 6 year old on the morning of his birthday enjoying the traditional chocolate waffle....
i've put up the photos of toby's birthday party at castle fun park and photos from our trip to saltspring island.
this is a bearded blue-haired toby [after a haircut later in the week]..
of course, the big news this week is the arrival of 2 new residents at our house - cousin dani who will be living in our suite for the school year while she studying publishing at SFU and wanda the hamster.
after a few escapes, we've decided that aly should go in the playpen with wanda when she wants to hold her!
september 1
it's toby's birthday party tomorrow at castle fun park [3 mini golf courses, bumper cars and go-karts]. just a small party [2 other families] but should be fun.
so [with connie's help] i've made the decision that the children will be responsible for packing their own lunches for school. they need to empty their lunch box for that day, fill it with food for the following day and put it in the fridge. i HATE making lunches. this would be a dream come true if it lasted! anyway, here are the guidelines they have to follow all based on what they like [as of august 2007. no doubt numerous items will be struck from the menu options by next month!]
i waved my mum off last friday after a nice morning together. it's always sad to see my mum or dad go, but we definitely make the most of ever single moment :-) we've finally got skype hooked up so it helps that we can see them for a chat now. our trip to saltspring island was great: quintessentially canadian. the perfect cabin [not too modern, but with running water and proper toilet!] on a beautiful lake. [thanks for the recommendation janice] the weather wasn't as beautifully sunny as it had been, but still nice enough. The views from mount maxwell were spectacular.