from 1725-1765, a russian woman gave birth to 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets.
more useless facts peta
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during pregnancy, a woman's blood volume increases up to 50%
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peta at petawilliams dot com


september, 2008

september 7

turning canadian
turning canadian

i completely forgot to mention that i became a canadian the week before last. i think it only took 5 years and reams of paperwork, but there you go. once i have my passport (in another year or so) i'll be able to go hassle-free shopping in the states without having to have my eye balls scanned, fingerprints taken and pay a crossing fee!

aly at the saanich fair
aly at the saanich fair

we picked up aly last weekend. she was happy as a pig in mud when we found her at the saanich fair - having just enjoyed 3 days of freedom camping at the fair. she had won prizes for art and horse riding and had had a wonderful time, both there, and staying with nikki and colin. she was very happy to see us all and she and toby were very cute holding hands for ages while aly showed toby around all the exhibits.

aly and toby holding hands

first day of school
the first day of school

this week was not only the first day back at school, but was also toby's 7th birthday. it's weird to think the next child having a birthday in the house will be the baby. this was the first time toby had had a birthday party at home since he turned 1! it was a lego themed party inspired by our trip to legoland. the party went very well. there were only 7 guests besides aly and toby since toby is not into big crowds and they seemed to have fun with their lego creations, cake decorating and bouncy castle.

toby and his birthday waffle
toby and his traditional birthday waffle

lego cake
toby's lego cake

september 1

it's been a very quiet few days. aly was still in victoria and sascha was sailing off vancouver island with some guys from work. that left toby and i for 3 days [daycare for toby was closed on friday so i had taken the day off work]. in fact i don't think we left the house for 2 days. it's the perfect start to a new school year. there was a lot of wii sport, table tennis, webkinz and happily lots of scrapbooking for me.

today we're off to victoria to pick up aly. she's been camping at the saanich fair all weekend and is riding today, so it'll probably be pretty late by the time we get home tomorrow night. it'll be lovely to have the whole family back together again.

now that i'm 6 months pregnant i've decided it's time to do a vague bit of planning. i've taken stock and it seems all we have remaining from the last 2 babies are wipes, baby wash, crib mattress, stair gate, oh, and one maternity cardigan! on one hand, i should have planned ahead a little better, on the other hand we did move house 7 times in 7 years - so maybe it's best we didn't drag the whole shebang with us!

i'm happy to report that my cravings have mostly consisted of grapefruit [preferably pink] and elderflower juice which is very handy since both are healthy. tragically for me, i have been completely off tea. going from 6 cups a day to none is a bit of a shock to the system and i missed the habit. now i'm finally back on the odd one or 2 cups of decaf a week which is very reassuring - especially with someone apparently turning on the autumn button last week.

back home



