may, 2006
may 28
what a very nice family weekend. saturday we went to the richmond city works yard open house. sounds dull but was interesting. the kids could climb in all the city vehicles, spray fire hoses, release water valves, climb through [new] sewage pipes etc. as aly said 'it's like a whole mighty machines world'. after that we headed to an organic grocery store and restaurant which had lots of wheat/dairy/egg free stuff for me. after that we went to granville island so sascha could find out about chartering a yacht for a weekend at some point, and so the children could play in the kid's market.
after skating today we had lunch at the big river brew house and restaurant [the children were very excited about going to a pub since they're not usually allowed in something called a pub here. they wanted to know where the play area was like in the english pubs though!] after that we went to the monthly free family day at the local art gallery where the kids got to paint ceramic tiles, then we went to check out the library in the same building which has just been refurbished and has a really nice children's area. after all that we still had time to slob around at home for a while - a very successful weekend.
"why are all the funny words rude ones?" toby
may 18
we've just been on a bike ride around the block after dinner [well - the kids rode, we just walked very fast]. it was very canadian out there. the weather has been beautiful for the past week [70s and 80s each day] and it was like rush hour on the side walks. families playing hockey, kids playing in the street [which still freaks me out - i'm going to be the mean mom who won't let their kids play hockey in the middle of the road with every other kid in the neighbourhood], dog walkers, rollerbladers, gardeners etc. etc. a very nice evening.
i keep meaning to do some rollerblading around the beautiful park next to family place at lunchtimes. maybe this will have inspired me.
i've added the rest of the photos of aly's birthday and also of our saturday trip to dinotown.
may 14
so the weekend of aly's birthday was, as predicted, chaos. i cancelled the scrapbooking which helped, but it was still very action packed! it started off badly with a trip to toys r us at 8.45pm on friday night to try to buy aly's birthday present - a nice wooden swing set which was really cheap at toys r us but really expensive everywhere else. 2 people had them on hold and the only one had picked them up. since 9pm was the deadline i thought i'd show up to hopefully buy the remaining one. all was going according to plan - by 8.55pm nobody had collected the last one but when the salesgirl when to get it for us she found it had just been sold 5 minutes ago. aaarrrgh! anyway, aly got a picture of the playset and didn't mind at all. we're 20th on the waitlist for one a few cities away - hopefully we'll get called within the month.
the party went really well. very very girly. it was wonderful to have so much great help. uncle pete provided fairy music, auntie nikki wrote a little book based on the story told through the party, dani, hitomi and grandpa helped with decorations, cake arrangement and bubble blowing!

apparently it was all worthwhile because it was 'the best party ever' [aly]
right after getting back to normal life we got a call to say that colin [sascha's dad] had fallen and broken his hip. the following morning he had a hip replacement operation and is doing well. we're looking forward to hopefully visiting him at home next weekend. i know the children will be very relieved to see him back home. sascha's mom is in a long term care facility and toby asked if grandpa was in the 'living hospital'. despite reassurances, they both seem a little uneasy.
last bit of news: aly has her first loose tooth. it is very exciting for both of us, but coupled with her 6th birthday a little panic inducing for me - they grow up way too fast!
may 1

aly helping kellie down the slide at aldergrove zoo[something to do with rescuing a ladybug i think]
i'm not sure where the weekend went but it seems to have disappeared. i had to work on saturday because it was the annual volunteer appreciation tea [which seemed to go well]. the children ended up at work with sascha but at least they got to see him i suppose! sunday both kids had different parties to go to and i also managed to squeeze in toby's skating lesson. the parties were enjoyed by all and aly brought the birthday girl home with her for dinner - i offered to give her mom a break since she offered to take aly to the party for me and ended up having her for 5 hours.
i think i've just about got plans sorted for aly's birthday party next weekend and my scrapbook party the day before. the weekend is looking something like:
friday pm: nikki, dani and colin arrive.
friday 2pm: nikki reads her book at aly's school.
saturday: 8.00am peta lines up to try to get aly and toby into afterschool care at their school for next year.
saturday: 9.00am peter and hitomi arrive from japan via hawaii.
saturday: 11.15-11.45am toby's golf lesson.
saturday: 12.00pm-4.00pm scrapbooking at our place.
saturday evening: family movie?
sunday morning: party prep.
sunday 12.15pm-12.45pm aly/toby skating lesson.
sunday 2.00-4.00pm aly's party.
monday: everybody leaves again.
we were also supposed to be doing a bit of a garden makeover this weekend but i'm not sure when that might happen!

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