may 18
i started my new job at wide ideas this week. the company takes new inventions to market. it's a fascinating industry and my work is very varied. my brain is very happy for the first time in a long time :-)
in other news, toby was accepted to the golf academy at middle school for next year and also won his school's geography contest. it was the most exciting game show i'd ever seen and he definitely did a lot better than i would have done - especially with all the obscure canadian questions they threw at them!

auntie nikki arrived for a visit on thursday but we've seen very little of her so far as she's been dashing around the okanagan interviewing authors for sono nis. she also has a beautiful new book out called 'down to earth: how kids help feed the world'. colin is still with us and has been a big help and my parents both arrive tonight from the uk. it should be a fun long weekend :-)
may 1
i've been a bit hopeless on the blog front. there's been no relief from the doctor/dentist/orthodonist/pediatrician appointment schedule so life's still a bit chaotic. aly had her first 2 teeth removed yesterday and felt very sorry for herself afterwards. she has 2 more to go and then she'll get braces. zoe has her kindergarten immunizations tomorrow so nobody's very happy this week! in better news, rumour has it that i'll be starting a new part-time job this month :)
colin and i finished painting toby's minecraft room and even managed to squeeze in an 'england' room makeover for aly as a birthday surprise since she was away last weekend. i've written a separate page with the details of the LONG project that was the minecraft room!

we're coming to the end of colin's 6 month stay but we're keeping him busy as ever. apart from painting, he's been managing to squeeze in a LOT of imaginative play with zoe and a spot of gardening.

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