the mask used by michael myers in the original halloween was actually a captain kirk mask painted white


by peta
what is a blog?
the only way to stop the pain of the flathead fish's sting is by rubbing the same fish's slime on the wound it gave you

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com



media gallery / 2002 / halloween

halloween photos

we had a seemingly never-ending halloween. sascha and dani made aly and dani's matching spongebob costumes while they were in victoria. toby and mommy went to mackenzie's halloween birthday party while aly was away. once they were back we went to a moms club parade at ventura convalescent home, then to the moms club halloween park parade the following day.

mckenzie's birthday party
mckenzie's birthday party

convalescent home parade
convalescent home parade

easter park parade
easter park parade

aly and toby both had 2 costumes each - aly had a spongebob costume and a fairy costume; toby had a soldier costume and an astronaut costume. [thank you ana - she bought the soldier and fairy costumes last christmas; thank you peter - he bought aly's wings]

for days and days afterwards all aly wanted to play with everyone was trick or treating. she'd shout 'trick or treat', 'happy halloween' and we had to pretend to give her candy.

on halloween itself we went over to justin's house and heather took toby and justin trick or treating [aly was on costume strike so couldn't go!] and finally, later that evening aly, toby, mommy and daddy went back to roosevelt ct to trick or treat and say goodbye to all the neighbours we didn't get a chance to say goodbye to!

trick or treating
trick or treating

i'm doing a moms club collection of everyone's left over candy for our christmas 'adopt-a-family' project. we now have a cupboard completely full of candy.

halloween photos