the mask used by michael myers in the original halloween was actually a captain kirk mask painted white


by peta
what is a blog?
the only way to stop the pain of the flathead fish's sting is by rubbing the same fish's slime on the wound it gave you

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com



media gallery / 2002 / halloween / photos

main halloween page

spongebob costume production
spongebob costume production

aly and toby waiting for the parade in the park to begin
aly and toby waiting for the parade in the park to begin

aly and mile the lion
aly and mile the lion

david or eeyore?
david or eeyore?

aly and andy & charlie (tiggers) waiting to start the parade
aly and andy & charlie (tiggers) waiting to start the parade

aly, toby and elizabeth check out their goody stash
aly, toby and elizabeth check out their goody stash

aly and toby trick or treating at roosevelt court
aly and toby trick or treating at roosevelt court

main halloween page