kellie sheldrake studied geology at the university of california santa barbara


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richard sheldrake loved dj'ing

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peta at petawilliams dot com


sheldrake grandchildren

media gallery / heritage / sheldrake grandchildren

sheldrake grandchildren

[top left] Peta Sheldrake(David's daughter). Born Oct 1st, 1973.
[top right] Richard Ian Charles (Ian's son). Born May 28th, 1974.
[centre left] Peta and Kellie
[centre right] Richard and Nick
[bottom left] Kellie Sheldrake (David's daughter). Born April 1st, 1978
[bottom right] Nicholas Aiden David (Ian's son). Born May 1st, 1978

sheldrake grandchildren

George Charles Sheldrake 1912-1996
George loved spending time with all his grandchildren. He spent the last few years of his life at home due to physical restrictions, but that didn't stop him socialising with his neighbours, and in particular neighbourhood children who looked forward to his treats!

[top right] Richard, George and Peta at a street party in Cobham Road to celebrate the silver jubilee.

[centre] Peta, Kellie, Nick and Richard with George circa 1980.

[bottom left] Kellie, Peta, George, Richard and Nick at George's 80th birthday party.

[bottom right]
Dave, Joyce, Ian
Peta, Richard, Lin

Hilda, George, Harry
Kellie, Nick

ian sheldrake's family
Ian Sheldrake's family

[top left] Nick
[top right] Richard and Rosey on their wedding day (September 4th 2001)
[bottom right] Ian and Lin

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