eva was renowned for her prize winning roses


by Peta
what is a blog?
eva and george were famous for their neighbourhood cocktail parties

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


eva brownrigg

media gallery / heritage / eva brownrigg


[top] A handkerchief sent to Eva from George with his hand drawn pictures on it.

[bottom left] Eve

[bottom right] "My Mum, If I have to single out a quality that defines my Mum, it would be encouragement. It didn't matter that I couldn't kick a ball, what I wanted to do received her full backing and she went out of her way to ensure that I achieved it. Without my mum's assistance I would never have ridden a motorcycle. Something I love doing to this day. She was always there for me. David Sheldrake 07/10/03"


"Eve was famous for her roses and rose garden. She died from a facial cancer in 1974. I was the only grandchild she had. I've never heard anyone say anything but wonderful things about her and regret not having the chance to know her. Peta"

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