will yarnold
media gallery / heritage / will yarnold

[left] "I was very moved when I typed out this letter. Until a few weeks before, I had never even heard of this Great Uncle. To think he died a few weeks after writing such an affectionate letter home.
It has been said my handwriting is similar to Great Uncle William's. I don't see it myself. Joyce Sheldrake (nee Milligan) 08/10/03"
[right] Letter from Will to his mother
[bottom left] The Yarnold siblings: Elsie, Annie, Fred, Mill and Fanny

[top left] "
It is my painful duty to inform you that a report has been received from the War Office notifying the death of:-
No. 15319
Rank: Sapper
Regiment: Royal Engineers
which occurred at a place not stated
on the 1st of August 1917
The report is to the effect that he died of heat stroke
By His Majesty's command I am to forward the enclosed message of sympathy from Their Gracious Majesties the King and Queen. I am at the same time to express the regret of the Army Council at the soldier's death in his Country's service.
I am to add that any information that may be received as to the soldier's burial will be communicated to you in due course. A separate leaflet dealing more fully with this subject is enclosed.
I am, Madam Your obedient Servant, Office in charge of Records.
[bottom right]
"In Memory of
"H" Coy. attd. Searchlight Coy., Royal Engineers who died aged 32 on Wednesday, 1st August 1917.
Serjeant YARNOLD was the son of Fanny Yarnold of "Woodville," London Rd., Balcombe, Sussex, and the late William Yarnold.
Remembered with honour
[top right] "Mesopotamia (Al Jazirah)
Country now known as Iraq
The River Tigris runs N/S through Baghdad to the Persian Gulf at Abadan in Iran.
The Turks (from modern history) were driven out of Mesopotamia finally in 1918.
Sapper William Yarnold was buried in Iraq somewhere around the town of Basrah in the south of the country in August 1917.
" Alan Milligan 2004 (Will's nephew)

With reference to your letter regarding the late No. 15319 Sergeant W. Yarnold Royal Engineers
I am directed to acquaint you that the accounts of the deceased soldier show that the payments made to him or on his account exceeded the pay and allowances to which he was entitled by £11.4.2, and that this sum has accordingly been deducted from the gratuity of £12.0.0 due to the estate under the Royal Warrant for Pay. The net sum of 12.10 which was issued on the 22nd January last to [?] represents, therefore the total amount due to the estate from Army Funds.
I am, Madam
Your obedient servant, [?] for the Assistant Financial Secretary
I am directed to acquaint you that the Command Paymaster, Eastern Command, Science Museum, Exhibition Road, S. Kensington, London, SW.7, has been authorised to issue to you the sum of twelve shillings and ten pence being the amount that is due on the settlement of the accounts of the late No. 15319 Sergeant W. Yarnold Searchlight Company Royal Engineers.
Should no communication on this subject be received from the Paymaster within the next few days, application for payment should be made to him by letter.
The above amount is issued to you as sole [?] in accordance with the terms of the deceased's will.
I am, Madam
Your obedient servant, [?] Assistant Financial Secretary
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