david qualified as a building surveyor and ian as an architect


by Peta
what is a blog?
later in life david and ian collaborated on many projects

email me:
peta at petawilliams dot com


george and eva's children

media gallery / heritage / george and eva's children

sheldrake children

[top left] Postcard of Moreton showing the Lloyds bank where the family lived and George and Eve worked.

[top right] 26 Cobham Road, Moreton. The family home for many years.

[bottom left] David George Sheldrake. Born November 17, 1946

[bottom right] Ian Charles Sheldrake. Born December 26, 1948

The family lived above Lloyds Bank in Birkenhead until Ian was diagnosed with Asthma and the family was told to move to a place with a cleaner environment. They then moved to a flat above Lloyds bank in Moreton where they became caretakers, then finally moved to 26 Cobham Road, where George and Eve lived out their lives.

sheldrake children

[top right] The brothers with Father Christmas

[centre left] David

[bottom left] On a family holiday

[bottom right] July 20, 1962. The launch of the first passenger hovercraft from Rhyl to Moreton.

The hovercraft was launched from Moreton Shores which is where George taught David to swim - by pushing him from the concrete ramp!

sheldrake children growning up

[top left] Eve, Ian & Dave

[top centre] Dave & Ian always loved their motorbikes - Dave always had at least one to play with at all times.

[top right]

Joyce & Dave with Eve in Ness Gardens - she enjoyed her visit to Ness Gardens so much because she was such an avid gardener herself.

Growing Up Memories
"Ian throwing Old Teddy out of his pram, haven't forgiven him to this day. Blackout curtains drawn when I was ill. Sweet coupon. Tricycle for Christmas which I rode around the flat. Flying Scotsman train that didn't work. Dad throwing my comic into the fire because I was naughty. Moving to Moreton because of Ian's health. Getting lost on my second day at Primary School. Good time at Secondary School. Mum wanting me to get a job. Just by chance I joined Birkenhead Corporation as Admin trainee and got sent to Borough Architect's Dept. Deputy Borough Architect saw that I had done Technical drawing at school, so sent me into the drawing office. The rest as they say is history. David Sheldrake 08/10/03."

sheldrake wedding days

[Left] David Sheldrake married Joyce Milligan at Greasby Methodist Church on October 2, 1970.
[Right] Ian Sheldrake married Linda Williams at Christ Church, Moreton on September 26, 1971.

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