in the 1400s a law was set forth that a man was not allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. hence we have 'the rule of thumb'
more useless facts peta
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the chances of making two holes-in-one in a round of golf are 1 in 67 million
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peta at petawilliams dot com


june, 2006

june 22

the kids were on tv on friday. we were at the local festival and arrived just in time for the kids to be thrown into shot with the weather girl reading the local weather report. Unfortunately it was live so i didn't get to watch it but i recorded some myself and it was very funny. toby spent the whole time following the words on the teleprompter instead of smiling for the camera as instructed. aly had the biggest cheesiest grin. anyway, the festival itself was great but very fast. my friend and i only had an hour there before we had to be back for my scrapbooking workshop. as it was i got back late and had someone waiting on the doorstep [sorry shabniz]. scrapbooking was great - as was the bonus 2hrs of scrapbooking the next day when renukha came over to pick up her scrapbooking stuff and we both realised we had nothing better to do that afternoon [sascha has been working non stop for a couple of weeks]. after that we headed off for a free recycled art workshop for aly and while toby and i were hanging around waiting for her we came across treasure hunt instructions in the local art gallery foyer which was a treasure hunt all around the plaza where aly was doing her art. it was lots of fun.

sascha managed to take fathers day off and we spent most of the day at the ice rink. the kids had their usual lessons and then it was hockey sign up day for september. we couldn't get toby off the ice. i think he was there 2 hrs playing hockey. he now has a very bruised butt and is signed up for the season [under the strict understanding that i'm not very good with cold places or early mornings - ie. hockey responsibility will be falling to sascha]. after that we had a quick picnic on the river before heading to montessori where the kids were in an under the sea end of year performance - lots of cute singing and dancing. [more photos to follow]

under the sea show

tomorrow is the end of year picnic for both montessori schools at the local splash park so i'm taking the day off work. today was the end of year presentation at aly's morning montessori. each child had to give a speech about a bird they had been studying. it would have stressed me out to stand in front of all those parents and video cameras and give a speech - and I can read! they all did remarkably well. next week, aly's kindergarten class goes to the splash park for their end of year celebration. these end of year activities will be the death of me [and my job!]

canada is just SO CUTE sometimes. i love the fact that schools are so open and the playgrounds are shared with the public all day every day. i'm finally coming to terms with the kids playing in the street. there's also no prepaying at the gas pumps or anything. [i had to fill up my own car for the first time in about a yr last weekend - all gas stations in richmond are full serve and if we're out of the city, sascha usually leaps into action].

june 11

i went on a girls weekend to qualicum beach last weekend which was great. very restful. it's amazing what a bit of sea air, slobbing about and shopping does for you! it was very strange to be without the children.

qualicum beach

i believe i forgot to mention that colin (sascha's dad) is doing better. he broke his hip 3 weeks ago and needed a partial hip replacement but he seems to be doing splendidly :-)

so.. it's that time of the year again. all tv shows have finished until september. all i have to look forward to are coronation street episodes [which have been stopped for the stanley cup finals for 6 weeks]. i don't feel like i watch that much tv but now that everything's finished i'm missing a few things: The West Wing [we watched the last episode ever a few weeks ago], the US version of the The Office and i seem to be missing My Name is Earl which i didn't think i was that attached to.

so i made most of my heritage info updates. i added comments from family members/distant relatives at the bottom of the following pages:

june 1

i heard from my first brownrigg today. my dad and his dad share grandparents [i think] - i'm awaiting more details. it's made me remember about all the wonderful facts and info. family members have been sending me which i haven't had a chance to do anything with. sascha is working late and my real scrapbooks are temptingly sitting next to me on the desk. i guess if there's a heritage section update on unblog you'll know the real scrapbooks lost out.

toby has his kindergarten orientation day next week. i'm trying not to panic about my baby going to big school. i think it would have been much more of a shock to the system if he hadn't been at full day montessori this year. speaking of montessori, i think i have my childcare plan worked out for next year. it turns out that despite my 8am line up for an after school spot at the community centre, aly [who is higher on the list than toby] is still only 14th on the wait list. therefore, toby will only go to kindercare at the community centre [11.30-2.30 after kindergarten finishes] then both kids will either get picked up by montessori or me for after school care at montessori. this plan only works for a yr because they are not supposed to take kids older than kindergarten at the montessori, so fingers crossed they both make their way up to the top of the wait list before the year is out!

picnic table
at the beautiful new picnic table from great nanny

i decided to increase my hours at work now that the kids are usually both disappointed to see me if i show up any earlier than 5.30pm! i'm now at 34.5hrs/week - so pretty much full time. i haven't really noticed much of a change because i had been accumulating an hr or 2 of lieu time each week before that anyway.

listening to my ipod on random shuffle mode is very strange experience at times. i'm unfortunately listening to 'old macdonald' which followed a nice nat king cole christmassy number. before that was something classical and i hoping that in my ipod smorgasbord there is something a bit more pop or rocky on the way. i did have some really good playlists but after a nasty crash i lost them all and haven't quite got around to replacing them yet.

last week the kids and i all had colds. this week we're all on the mend and i'm off to qualicum beach [on vancouver island] with some other moms for the weekend so all is right with the world!

snuggling with grandpa

back home



